Saturday, January 15, 2011

Go For Goal! Make sure that your students are not backed into a post.

"A-Boot" a year ago the world was preparing for the 2010 Winter Olympics. "GO for Gold" was the mantra up here in Canada.

In the classroom, it is Go for Goal!

What truly is the Goal of your lessons? Do you know it? Do your students?

I was in a classroom this week. I was supporting a teacher and his students with Fractured Fairy Tale writing.

As they began their rough copy, the teacher said,"Remember, only handwriting after Christmas."

Yikes! First draft perfection! Say it ain't so!

Of course, we all know when writing our first draft we just need to get the ideas out. Revision, editing and dare we say perfection, comes later.

As expected the stories got off to a painfully slow start.
"How do you make a G?" said one child mournfully.

Then there was the student who had barely anything written down.
I asked, "Are you not sure what to write?"

He said," I know what to write, I just can't handwrite."

Well that just isn't good is it?

Lessons For All Teachers

Look at you goal (standard, outcome).

Is it clear what you want the students to do?

If it is to create a story...
Could they type it? YES
Could they print it? YES
Could they use presentation software? YES
Could they use storyjumper? YES
Could they use a plume and ink? I guess....

So...please find a place for all your students. If handwriting is the goal? Then have them copy a poem in their best handwriting...BUT...if it is storywriting...please ....please let them any means necessary.

SO how to you make that G...I still don't know...that's why I print!

Until Next Time,
Lit Maven OUT!

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