Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Spring Day in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Sometimes the Lit Maven needs to cut and paste with real magazines...this is what happens.....

Kinda looks like Sean Connery in the Rock

Or Sam Elliott....Anytime...really..


Until Next Time,
Lit Maven Out!

Monday, March 26, 2012

LiveBinders...Cher Says Yes Again!

The Lit Maven has decided to write a screenplay!


Yep!...I have 1 month to do it!

I announced it on my facebook page...now I am committed!

No snappin' out of it!

April is ScriptFrenzy month...similar to NANOWRIMO.

Why don't you join me...

Truth be told...I love films! I dream in film. I make connections to film.

I am probably the first graduate student ever to present on the topic of Mixed Method research using Blades of Glory as an example... Chaz Michael Michaels (Qualitative)...Jimmy (Quantitative).

Need some screenplay mojo: Check out this book....it's my current favorite.

Writing the Comedy Blockbuster: The Inappropriate Goal by Keith Giglio

For those of you wanting more film ... Check out this LiveBinder on Film Blogs

And since I am in such a "Cher"-ing mood...

Here's another scene from my favorite screenplay of all time... and hopefully how I feel at the end of the month.

Have some advice? Leave it in the comment section below.

Until Next Time,
Lit Maven Out!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

LiveBinders...Jerry O'Connell Says Yes!

My mom is the bionic woman...

Lit Maven?

Ok...not really...but she used to tell my friends that growing up.


Yep...the kids wanted her to jump to the top of the school but she claimed it would be too distracting....hmmmmm

Yes...I guess that would be distracting...especially the wig!

So clearly the Lit Maven comes by her eccentric ways naturally!

You bet!

Here is a lovely LiveBinder about Robotics and Simple Machines...Although not biotic...very close....

Jerry...Lit Maven?

Oh yes ...somewhere between finding bodies in

Stand By Me

to being eaten by


He had a Secret Identity!

Until Next Time,
Lit Maven Out!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

LiveBinders...Viggo Mortenson Says Yes!

These last weeks I have been making good use of my PLN's...It's interview season....

No not this kind....

This kind...

To continue as the Lit Maven I had to prove my worth...

Needless to say...I had to dust off my resume and ask:

"Hey will you be my reference?"

Thankfully my extensive PLN came handy during the interview with questions such as:

"How do you keep up to date?"

MY PLN of course!

So if you have been meaning to develop your PLN, here's your chance.

Tools for Building Your PLN


Yes...of course...you can't help Frodo go to Mordor without a PLN.

Until Next Time,
Lit Maven Out!

Friday, March 16, 2012

LiveBinders...Old School Says Yes!!!

TED talks are the best!

Quick... brief...

To the point.

Now there is TED Ed.....YES!!!


Can life get better than that???...

Check this out!

Even Sheldon...can use little words...

It's a Trap!

The best thing to do with words of course....

write captions..

Here is a LiveBinder on Photo Fun

Old School ...Lit Maven???

Well...sometimes short words are great...other times it's better to be a "Ferrell" Fowler....

Until Next Time,
Lit Maven Out!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

LiveBinders...Jonah Hill Says Yes!

So the other day a co-worker came up to me and said,

"Brandi,(AKA The Lit Maven) I saw a movie preview and thought of you..."

"Oh"...(thinking..which romantic comedy could it be)

Then I asked....."Which one?"

"Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter"

"Why?"....I asked..(Although I was thinking Dear God where did that come from?)

"Not sure....just thought of you."


This was almost like the time in grade 5 when I was told I ran like Van Halen.

Anyway...in my wacky way of connecting it brought me to Inquiry.

Perhaps I should investigate this "Abe" connection...or just take it as a compliment.....

Well here is a wonderful LiveBinder by Tracey Woodward...who also just happens to be in my Grad course....

Inquiry-Wonder, Investigate and Share

Its an online grad course because I hunt vampires at night, dressed as Abraham Lincoln, running through the streets like Van Halen....

Lit Maven?....Jonah Hill??

Yes! Well...only my favorite clip from Accepted...Where did that body come from? and more importantly...Who screams like that?

Until Next Time,
Lit Maven Out!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

LiveBinders...Kate Winslet Says Yes!

Do you ever have that feeling...you know the one when you are thinking....

"Hey, I'm caught up..I have finished all my work!"

No ..Lit Maven...

Yah me neither...

I suppose if you are caught up...it's also likely that you are still watching Murder She Wrote...

Anyway... I got thinking about all those endless web tools...very much like an iceberg...

What you see on the surface is ...well..all that you think there is....

And the bottom?...A whole lot of catching up to do.

But no need to fear..here is a LiveBinder that will help the cause...

Technology and Web 2.0 Tools for Educators

Kate Winslet....Lit Maven?...

Iceberg-Titanic-Kate...come on, you saw that one coming...but you probably thought you had time to turn around...

Lit Maven...you're hilarious...

Thanks!...and enjoy the clip.

Until Next Time,
Lit Maven Out!

Its all in the Jeans

This week I can wear jeans all week to work. This means I can feel like I am working from home, even though I am not. But let's be...